miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2007

Alegria, que és Festa Major

( amb una mica de retràs)

S'acaba l'Agost, comencen les festes majors.
És la nostra particular manera d'estirar aquest mes últim de l'estiu i evitar que se'n vagi sense abans deixar-nos una bona ressaca.
A les comarques de ponent ens hem de posar la jaqueta per les nits, però l'ambient d'estiu encara es respira a les terrasses... amb revetlles, correfocs, l'orquestra Tràfic o Girasol, la salseta del poble sec, vermut, Aquelarre, cerveses, concerts i borratxeres.

August is ending, and the festivities are begining.Is our way to keep the last month of summer until it goes leaving us with a huge hangover.In the county of Lleida we already have to wear a jacket at night but one still can feel the summer ambience at the terrasses with festivals, fire, devils, vermuth, beers, concerts, Aquelarre, whitches and drunkness.Going to Aquelarre on a vespa makes the difference and hear the local bands singing "being a farmer is not a crime" makes me feel at home.I hope we'd never grow up and we'd always go to the festivals of Miralcamp, Arbeca, Les Borges Blanques, and L'Aquelarre... and in September to Fira Tàrrega and Santa Tecla, patron of Tarragona and for us, patron of the reunions as well.You know there's nothing better: wear your farmer's hat and let's party!

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