lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007

Summertime at home, Europe in my garden

It's summer in Spain, summer in Tarragona and summer in Miralcamp.
Summer means for many people travel, holidays and go abroad, summer also had this meaning for me once but this year summer is like Christmas, because it means come back home.
After 6 months in Denmark I came back, and I was afraid of feeling a tourist in my own land after all this experiences in Denmark... but yes, I belong here. And I had the best medicine for the Erasmus absence: I'm back home, but I will bring Europe here... as my first post in my first blog, I begin this new blog with the same word: couchsurfing.

Couchsurfing but the other way round. My sofa is completely booked this summer, wherever, in Tarragona in Miralcamp, and in Cervera in my uncle's place... people from all over Europe is crashing in my couch.
Is another way to travel without leaving your home, because other people bring their travel experiences and they share them with you...

Summer festivals in my village, fire, beach, sun, bar, swimming pool and relax. Everything is like before, nothing changed in this 6 months I was abroad, because the time in Spain passes slowly. An example: the typical spanish sentence: "I will do it tomorrow"

Where is the energic non-stop Anna?... She's chilling near the sea...

[ És estiu a Catalunya, a Tarragona, a Miralcamp.
Estiu vol dir, per molta gent, viatjar, vacances marxar fora. Estiu va tenir aquest significat per mi però aquest any estiu és com Nadal, perquè vol dir tornar a casa.
Després de 6 mesos a Dinamarca he tornat, i tenia por de sentir-me estrangera a la meva pròpia terra. Però si, és aquí on pertanyo. I tinc la millor recepta per la nostàlgia erasmus: he tornat a casa, pero portaré Europa aquí... com el meu primer post al meu primer blog, torno a començar amb la mateixa paraula: couchsurfing.

Couchsurfing pero en sentit contrari. El meu sofà està reservat tot l’estiu, a tot arreu, a Tarragona, a Miralcamp o fins i tot a casa els meus oncles, a Cervera. Gent de tot Europa dormint al meu sofà.
És una altra manera de viatjar sense sortir de casa, perquè l’altra gent porta les seves experiències de viatge i les comparteix amb tu.

Festes majors, foc, platja, bar, piscina i relax.
Tot és com abans, res ha canviat en aquests 6 mesos que he estat fora, perquè el temps aquí passa a poc a poc, un bon exemple és la frase típica “ja ho faré demà”]

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